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Beaches, Castles, Forests, Theme Parks, Holiday Accomodation, Playgrounds, Lakes.

As we love to explore and I love to document all of the exploring with my camera, I decided to start a blog of the places we've visited in Wales. I started this pre-Covid so you'll notice some of the blogs have a much smaller little human in the pictures! In the title of each blog I have put the region that might be familiar to people as well as the county so you can scroll and find somewhere relatively close to where you're heading. So if for example you see 'Srinkle Haven, Tenby (Pembrokeshire)' - it doesn't mean that Skrinkle Haven is in Tenby but it's somewhere you could visit if you're staying close to Tenby! 

We'd love to hear if you've visited somewhere we've blogged about! Please let us know if any information has changed since we've been there last so that I can update the blog! Don't forget to let us know if there's anywhere worth a visit that we haven't been to yet! Enjoy Exploring!

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©2021 by Sharlaine Quick-Lawrence - Exploring Wales With a Tiny Human - Quick Welsh Adventures - Proudly created with

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