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  • Writer's picturesharlaine quick

Castell Newydd Emlyn - Newcastle Emlyn (Carmarthenshire/Ceredigion)

We've been going to Newcastle Emlyn for days out since we moved to the area and it's one of my favourite places to go to kill a few hours (as you can see from this photo of a much smaller Coops)

We usually park in the main car park (Mart Car Park) and it's one of the most reasonable car parks in our area at £1.20 for 4 hours. In this car park practically is a lovely playground with plenty of flat grass to have a picnic or kick a ball.

There's a park for older kids and a nice one for younger children as well as well as a basketball hoop and football goals - what more do you want from a playground??

There's also a flat path going around the playground so a great place to go to practise scooting or cycling. You can't take your dog into the park area unfortunately.

You can then walk into the town itself and there a plenty of lovely cafes and small shops to look around. There's a great charity shop there where we always get some good bargains on toys and books for the boys!

If you walk along the Main Street towards the big clock and bear right, you'll end up at the castle; this is where we spend most of our time in Newcastle Emlyn. You can park here for free as well but it isn't very big and people park everywhere so if you're not a confident parker, I'd avoid this one on a busy day!!

At the castle you can explore the ruins, climb and play hide and seek and see the lovely views of the surrounding area.

We also always walk around the castle and head to the river to throw some stones. The path is fine for a pram but you wouldn't get a scooter around parts of it. It's mainly flat but the beginning and end have a little steep bit - but manageable for most people I would say.

There's plenty of picnic benches around and a flat green area in the middle to kick a ball or run about!

So, if you're looking for a cheap day out of exploring and playing, I'm sure you'd enjoy Newcastle Emlyn! You're close to Cenarth Falls here too so could call there on your way home.

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